Daily Editorials
1. Caste categories for NREGS pay – pg.8 (Poverty – social sector initiatives)
2. Exports surge 67% narrowing trade gap – pg.12 (Economic Development)
3. Burnt-out container ship sinking off Sri Lanka – pg.11 (General issues on Environmental Ecology)
GS Paper 2 :
1. Adverse changes, federalism imperilled – pg.6 (Poverty – social sector initiatives)
2. Embracing children – pg.6 (Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States)
3. Close the vaccination gap, in global lockstep – pg.6 (Global Groupings and Agreements involving India)
4. Palestine flays India’s abstention from vote – pg. 8 (Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests)