Daily Current Affairs
1. T.N. rolls out pneumococcal conjugate vaccine pg.1 (social sector initiatives)
2. ‘Anti-terror law must not be misused to harass people- pg.11 (rights issue)
3. Funding gap may stump ‘Housing for All’ goal- pg.14 ( social sector initiatives)
4. crackdown on GST evaders continues – pg.11 (economic development)
5. Landslide destroys houses in H. P-pg.10 ( Indian geography)
GS Paper 1:
1. An unproductive idea – pg.8 ( Population and Associated Issues)
GS Paper 2:
1. The upcoming crisis in Indian federalism – pg.8 (Issues and Challenges Pertaining to the Federal Structure)
2. Disable unconstitutional sections- pg.9 (Indian Constitution – significant provisions, amendment )
3. Framing the legislation, forgetting the transparency – pg.8 ( Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency and Accountability)
GS Paper 3:
1. Growth matters but income levels matter more – pg.9 ( (Growth and development )