Daily Current Affairs
1. ‘CO2 emissions in 2020 above decadal average’- pg.12 (Environmental pollution) plz click here
2.India’s expectations from COP26 – pg.12 (Climate change) plz click here
3. Southwest monsoon withdraws from India -pg.10 (Indian geography) plz click here
GS Paper 2:
1. A reminder that India still trails in the hunger fight- pg.8 (Issues related to poverty and hunger ) plz click here
2. A ‘bubbles of trust’ approach- pg.9 (Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests ) plz click here
3. A festering crisis in the Palk Strait – pg.9 (India and its neighbourhood- relations) plz click here
GS Paper 4:
1. A region of rising intolerance- pg.9 (Ethics in human actions – empathy, tolerance) plz click here